
High-Speed Rail Rerouting Proposed

State transportation planners are recommending that a statewide high-speed rail system pass through Orange County, a move that urban planners say should be part of a multifaceted effort to fight regional congestion.

The original proposal bypassed Orange County, running from Union Station in downtown Los Angeles through Riverside County to San Diego.

The California High-Speed Rail Authority is now looking at a route that would stop in Norwalk, Anaheim and Irvine on its way to San Diego, said Dan Leavitt, the agency’s deputy director.


Trains, which would hit 200 mph elsewhere, would slow to 90 to 125 mph in Orange County.

The authority will select a final route at its July meeting, then develop financing and construction plans by mid-September. The proposed statewide system, expected to cost up to $30 billion, would link 90% of the state’s population and could be in place by 2010 if numerous financial and environmental hurdles are overcome.
