

Brian Wilson has been named vice president of finance and investment management of Universal Studios’ global real estate group, Universal City. Wilson will be responsible for overseeing all financial analysis, strategies and transactions worldwide for Universal and Seagram properties. Wilson had held a similar position with the Walt Disney Co.

Universal Studios is a unit of the Seagram Co. Ltd., a global entertainment and beverage company.

* Rob Moore has been appointed vice president of operations and finance of Walt Disney Studios, Burbank, the company said. Moore, who joined Disney as a senior financial analyst in 1987, will be responsible for the studios’ business and operating activities, including feature animation, live action films, TV animation and programs.


At Disney Consumer Products, Chris DeMoulin has been promoted to senior vice president in charge of global retail integration and merchandise strategy for global licensing. DeMoulin will develop new distribution and manufacturing channels, the company said. DeMoulin joined Disney in 1993 as vice president of Disney Licensing, responsible for Mickey Mouse.

* Uzi Kohavi has joined Intelligent Computer Solutions, Chatsworth, as vice president of operations, and Ellie Short has been hired as marketing manager, the company said. Kohavi will be responsible for increasing efficiency and improving operations. Shortwill be in charge of marketing communications, advertising, and Web site development.

ICS designs and manufactures high-speed hard-drive software and diagnostic systems that enable fast and simultaneous downloads to as many as 16 hard-disk drives.


* Gerhard E. Delf has been named chief executive, and Friedrich Goes joins the board of directors of Turbodyne Technologies Inc., Woodland Hills, the company announced. Goes spent 32 years--first in research and development, then in engineering planning--at Volkswagen AG. Delf also hails from Volkswagen AG and spent the past 12 years with Volkswagen America as a chief engineer.

Turbodyne develops, manufactures and markets pollution-control, fuel-efficient and performance-enhancing technology for internal-combustion engines in a variety of industries, including automotive, and manufactures aluminum castings.

* Mark Fruehan has been promoted to chief marketing and business development officer at, Chatsworth, the company said. Fruehan had been the company’s executive vice president in charge of new business development and strategic planning.


The company sells wireless telecommunications products.

* Bruce Ackerman has been hired as chief operating officer for the Economic Alliance of the San Fernando Valley, Van Nuys, the agency said. Ackerman had long been on the Alliance’s board of directors and served most recently as president and chief executive of the San Gabriel Valley Economic Partnership. He also owns the Ackerman Group, a business management and marketing firm.

The alliance is a nonprofit corporation designed to attract, expand and retain business opportunities in the San Fernando Valley.
