
Panels to Look at Technology and Real Estate

The Asian Business League Real Estate Forum will present two panels probing the impact of technology on real estate Thursday at the Regal Biltmore Hotel in Los Angeles. The free conference is titled: “ High-Tech Developments Making Real Estate as We Know It Obsolete?”

The 4 p.m. conference will feature a keynote address by Dennis Horgan, a technology consultant with Sun Microsystems. There will be two panels, one on high-tech advancements in real estate, the other on how technology is changing the future of the real estate business.

The panels will be moderated by Greg Karns, a partner at the law firm of Cox, Castle & Nicholson; and Tim Lovoy, a partner at Deloitte & Touche. Panel members will include executives of prominent national and local real estate companies.


For further information, call (213) 624-9975 or e-mail
