

“Would you transfer to another school if it meant a better chance to earn a college scholarship? Why or why not?”

ERIN MURRAY: La Habra, Softball

I would do it because I need to take advantage of every opportunity I can to get a college scholarhip, and the more opportunities, the better. I’ve never had a need to transfer to a bigger or better school, but if it was necessary, I would do it. I’d rather get a scholarship than pay for five years of college. My school right now is great.

KAITLYN D. CARD: Foothill, Cross Country/Swimming

At first glance, it might appear beneficial to contemplate a school transfer to better one’s chances of obtaining a college scholarship, but it overlooks and ignores the most important character trait anyone can possess next to honesty, LOYALTY. Loyalty to God, family and school would make our community a better place to live.



Should coaches and players be suspended from participating in the next contest of they get ejected from a game? Why, or why not?


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