
More Rain Likely to Move Through Area

Today’s weather should be similar to the surprise August downpour that greeted San Fernando Valley residents Tuesday morning, weather officials said.

A high of 71 is expected in Van Nuys, with a high of 84 predicted for Lancaster.

“Most everyone will have a chance of getting wet,” said Chad Pettera, meteorologist for WeatherData Inc., which provides weather information for The Times. “We’re not expecting heavy rain, except maybe in the mountain peaks.”

The wettest spot in the San Fernando Valley on Tuesday was Van Nuys, which received one-third of an inch of rain between noon Monday to noon Tuesday, according to the National Weather Service. Burbank and Chatsworth both received .13 inches of rain, while Lancaster had .17 inches and Palmdale got .12 inches during the same 24-hour period.


The rain was caused by monsoon moisture developing over Baja California, Pettera said.

It provided a welcome break from the dog days of summer, especially for those who work outside.

“This is our weather. This is what we pray for,” said Tony Garcia, who was delivering mail in Arleta, where 776 customers had lost power Tuesday morning.

A few other Valley communities suffered power outages because of the rain, including North Hollywood, Mission Hills and Granada Hills.


Meter reader Michael Mondragon said it was “pouring” at Southern California Gas Co. offices near Van Nuys Airport when he started work at 6:30 a.m. By 11 a.m., he was able to shed his raincoat as he made his rounds.

“There’s been a lot of hot weather lately,” he said. “It’s better to be wet than sweaty.”

The rain was not helpful to workers at C & C Motors in Arleta, who not only had to dry the outside but vacuum the inside of its 21 used cars. Otilio Lanza, who details the cars, left the cars’ windows open Monday night, never imagining it would rain.

“Every day, I run the engines and I keep the windows down so I don’t lock the keys in the car,” said Lanza. “Oh, well. It’ll be a real slow day anyway.”
