
Mulder Who?

Thanks for your TV Times piece on “The X-Files” (by Susan King, Nov. 26). I must say I was extremely amused by Chris Carter’s comments that the eighth season would focus on the search for Mulder.

After the two-part season premiere, “The X-Files” moved right into monster-of-the-week episodes and the third episode ended with Scully sticking her partner’s nameplate in a desk drawer (a week after the big search episode). The fourth episode, which just ran, didn’t even bother to mention Mulder, nor is there any indication that that will change in the near future.

Many, many fans are unhappy and in pain over this disregard of a much-beloved character that they have been following for seven years. It’s obvious that Carter is trying to make the audience forget about Mulder as much as possible, so he can promote the character of John Doggett. Most fans don’t have a problem with a new character, but they do have a huge problem with the insensitivity with which Carter is handling Mulder’s absence.


It would take approximately five seconds to reference the character and make us feel Scully is missing her partner or even actively searching for him. The fact that Carter refuses to do that says volumes. I’m sure you know about David Duchovny’s lawsuit last year regarding the series’ distribution. Perhaps Carter has some issues he hasn’t worked out. Unfortunately, he seems to be working them out by erasing the character of Mulder as quickly as possible.

There’s a lot of unrest out there in “X-Files” land no matter how pretty a picture Carter would like to paint.


New York
