
Day 24: A summary

Developments Friday in the dispute between Republican George W. Bush and Democrat Al Gore over Florida’s 25 electoral votes.

Court Action

U.S. Supreme Court heard arguments from lawyers for George W. Bush and Al Gore on who can set election rules: lawmakers or judges.


Florida Supreme Court rejected Gore’s request for an immediate recount of the states’ disputed ballots and also refused to order a new election in Palm Beach County, where the now infamous “butterfuly ballot” was widely reported to have confused voters.



Lawsuits were filed in Tallahassee seeking to throw out overseas ballots that were received after the deadline. They asked that about 9,700 absentee ballots in Martin County be tossed out because Republican officials added voter ID numbers to applications that had been left blank.

Florida Legislature, ballots

Florida Speaker of the House Tom Feeney said he is prepared to call a special session of the Legislature to consider appointing its own state electors. Senate President John McKay, however, said he wanted to study committee recommendations on the matter. Both men are Republicans.


654,000 ballots from Miami-Dade County joined the 462,000 ballots that arrived Thurday in Tallahassee. The ballots had been ordered trucked to the state capital for a court case.


Two transitions

Bush returned to Austin, Texas, for a Christmas party at the Governor’s Mansion.


Gore advisors floated the names of possible Cabinet officials. His four children attended the Supreme Court hearing.
