
Arden and Energy

Arden Realty found it ironic to receive criticism [“Plan Doesn’t Clear Air,” Letters, Nov. 26] for initiating the first real efforts in our industry toward more efficient energy consumption and clean air.

Although our properties are limited to Southern California, Arden is a national leader in energy reduction, having won the Environmental Protection Agency’s Energy Star Commercial Partner of the Year Award in 1999. Arden Realty has qualified 71 buildings for the Energy Star, while only 251 have been qualified nationally.

Our installation of natural gas engines and micro-turbines continues our contribution to a cleaner urban environment.


[Letter writer Chuck] Weiss suggests that we “consider using solar-generated electricity.” He apparently failed to note that we recently installed the largest private commercial solar photovoltaic power system in the Western Hemisphere.

Mr. Weiss implies that Arden’s energy accomplishments are some sort of “perk for a select few.” On the contrary, we house our nation’s businesses, providing comfort and value to the individuals who provide products and services to all Americans.

We are proud of our accomplishments and of the successes of the tenants we serve.


Vice president, engineering

Arden Realty Inc.

