
Yosemite Plan

* The Yosemite Valley plan (editorial, Dec. 2), if implemented, will ultimately lead to conditions in Yosemite far worse than anything previously experienced. The widening and rerouting of sections of valley roads is environmentally damaging and only makes way for larger and faster tourist buses.

Converting part of Yosemite Village to a large urban transportation terminal, with buses arriving and departing every minute, is not compatible with a quality visitation experience. The amount of noise, hubbub and diesel exhaust contamination created here would be a terrible disservice to this park.

It is proposed to destroy half of the existing Yosemite Lodge accommodations, which are the newest, most functional and most sought after of any in Yosemite, and replace these with a hodgepodge of cabins and cottages. This plan makes little sense. The best approach for Yosemite, with the exception of adopting an intelligent traffic management system, is to leave things as they currently exist.



Los Angeles
