Si’s and High Cs With the Three Tenors
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CHICAGO — “How are you, sir?” said Luciano Pavarotti to Jose Carreras.
“Como s-ta?”
“Too-toe benny,” said Carreras. Or maybe he said, “Mule-toe benny.”
Pavarotti was in New York and Carreras was in Turin and I was in Chicago, and we were all on a conference call, waiting for Placido Domingo, who was in Washington, D.C.
The Three Tenors have been the Backstreet Boys of opera ever since their first concert 10 years ago in Rome. At the time, Carreras was returning to his career after a bout of leukemia.
Today, the boys are very, very busy. They have a new CD, “The Three Tenors Christmas” (Sony), and they’ll be appearing at the United Center on Sunday.
And so, for the first time ever-- and I think you’ll see why--they agreed to be interviewed at the same time by telephone. Before I got to ask any questions, the Two Tenors greeted each other with a lot of prego, si, ciao and grazie. When Mr. Pavarotti said, “Bravo, bravo, bravo,” I jumped in.
Question: Mr. Carreras, how did you come up with the Three Tenors?
Carreras: I think to myself, What can you do from the classical music field that is different and exciting? And the very first thing I think is, “Put the three of us together.” Any of the others could have said this. The important thing is Placido and Luciano agreed from the first minute.
Pavarotti: I thought it was fantastic. There would be no need to prove who is the best of us. And when Carreras returned to our world, then I thought this is the best way to celebrate, to be all together.
Question: Do you think the Three Tenors will ever become the Four Tenors with Andrea Bocelli?
Pavarotti: Why should we? I think we are already a beautiful crew. We have been together for so many years. Ten years is quite something. I don’t think it is necessary.
Carreras: I agree 100%. The day one of us is not able to perform, that is the end of the Three Tenors.
Question: Is there much competition between you?
Pavarotti: Depends on what you mean. If you mean to try to be better and better, then yes. We have to be very good because we are each of us singing with two very important talents.
Question: Mr. Carreras, do you read your reviews?
Carreras: Honestly, not anymore. (Pause) But to be very open with you, sometimes I learn from bad reviews when they say things in a positive way. I learn many things from my mistakes if I respect the integrity of the journalist.
Question: It seems many reviews point out how much money the Three Tenors make. Why do you think that is, Mr. Pavarotti?
Pavarotti: In a word, jealousy. Nothing else but that. We make the money we deserve. We’re not forcing someone to pay us.
(At this point, Domingo joins us.)
Carreras: Look at all the sportsmen around the world, the pop singers, the stars in Hollywood. Compared to them, what we get is . . .
Pavarotti: . . . minuscule.
Question: Mr. Domingo, what do you think?
Domingo: I am giving 17 performances in 25 days. Ask me how much I get for that. Not very much. But when we are the Three Tenors, we bring thousands to the auditorium. We decided to have a little bit more money.
Pavarotti: Domingo, you are our lawyer.
Domingo: For 30 years we have given in blood the best of our lives and our careers. You think we don’t deserve money?
Question: Oh, no, I think you deserve all the . . .
Domingo: . . . In sports and in pop music, 18- and 25-year-olds make more money than we ever dreamed of. If someone complains, they shouldn’t come. The ones that come enjoy us. We should make money after 30 years.
Pavarotti: It reminds me of a story. A rich lady goes to an artist and wants him to make a sketch of her face. He does it and asks her for $20,000. She says, “$20,000 for three minutes’ work?” He says, “Three minutes and 40 years!”
Question: Are you guys friends? Do you pal around together?
Pavarotti: We respect each other very much.
Carreras: We go to concerts together. We like to discuss life and society . . .
Pavarotti: . . . We talk about sex every day . . .
Carreras: . . . We play cards. We talk about soccer. The three of us are all big soccer fans.
Question: Mr. Domingo, do they ever let you talk?
Domingo: I was being polite, but there is something I would like to say. When we started, it was for the pure love of being together. Jose had been ill, and when he came back to sing, it was a great, great joy for us to share the music, and it was also the time of the World Cup in Rome. So it was a very sportive thing to do. The first year, we did it for charity. We expected the public to like it, but we never expected the recording company to sell 11 million records and we got nothing. The second time around, we said we have to get some money.
Question: Mr. Carreras, I looked on the Internet and Mr. Domingo and Mr. Pavarotti have Web sites. Why don’t you have a Web site?
Carreras: I don’t know what is a Web site.
(Furious talking in Italian.)
Carreras: Oh, yes. One is in the process.
Question: Do any of you have any rituals, any things you always eat before a performance?
Pavarotti: I eat very light the day of the performance, pasta with a little olive oil.
Carreras: I, the same, pasta blanco.
Domingo: I have a little clear soup and then grilled chicken or veal. I used to have red meat. It makes me feel too heavy nowadays. American singers have a heavy dinner at 5:30. We don’t eat until we finish. Unfortunately, it is late and we’re very hungry. That’s the worst thing for your weight.
Pavarotti: I’m on a diet. I cook for myself. I will have a salad.
Question: Come on . . .
Carreras: No, no. I have seen him diet and he’s very determined.
Question: Mr. Pavarotti, do you have any superstitions?
Pavarotti: Oh, yes, everything. If you come to me with another superstition, I will accept that too. It is because our profession is so difficult; it makes you believe in everything.
Question: What is one of your superstitions?
Pavarotti: I carry a bent nail in my pocket.
Domingo: I like to walk on the stage with my left foot. I don’t keep a bent nail with me, but I go around the stage; if I find one, I certainly pick it up. The most twisted is the best. So, the people who work on the stage, they will bend them for us.
Pavarotti: I don’t like ones that are artificially bent.
Carreras: I couldn’t go on stage without drinking some water. It makes me feel a little better to think my throat is clear. We need something to hold on to give us a little bit of security. You need that when go on stage because of the tension.
Question: I read on Mr. Domingo’s Web site that his motto is: If I rest I rust. Do you have a motto, Mr. Carreras?
Carreras: Be happy.
Pavarotti: There is an expression in Italian. It means if you do for your own, you do for three.
Question: For three?
Pavarotti: It means you do yourself and you see the results. You understand?
Question: No.
(More talking in Italian. And laughing.)
Question: Who works the hardest?
Pavarotti: No doubt, Mr. Domingo. And how. His capacity and vitality is a legend.
Question: Who is the biggest joker?
Pavarotti: Placido is a joker. He can make you laugh. But we all tell jokes. I have a very good one right now that I will tell them later.
Question: Mr. Pavarotti, how would you describe your two colleagues?
Pavarotti: Quality, quality, quality. Quality in every sense.
Question: Mr. Domingo?
Domingo: Pavarotti and I started more or less at same time. We make parallel careers. I am a great admirer of his qualities as a singer and his personality. I met Carreras at the beginning of his career. He’s the youngest of the three, and I see him blooming, not only the beauty of his sound, but also his determination and character. My admiration is without limits. I am very proud to sing with both of them and call them my friends.
Question: Mr. Carreras?
Carreras: Luciano is a born communicator, one of the most charismatic figures I have ever seen on stage. He only opens his mouth and with the first note, he gets the audience. It is something he was born with. Placido is the most complete artist I have ever seen on stage. There is the quality of his acting besides his great vocal skills and achievement. For me--a tenor lover--it is a great honor and privilege to sing with them. They are two great guys and very high humans.
Pavarotti and Domingo: Grazie.
Carreras: Prego.
Question: I just have one last question. Do any of you sing in the shower?
Carreras: Of course, but not opera, just the last song I heard. Sometimes I try my voice. In the bathroom is the resonance we would all love to have.
Domingo: Some of my best performances are in the shower. I sing things I would never try on the stage.
Pavarotti: I am not singing in the shower; I’m still sleeping.
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