
Money Make-Over

I am disgusted by your recent choice for a Money Make-Over [“Preparing for Retirement Requires Spending Overhaul,” Nov. 28]. It seems to me that the make-overs should focus on people who are honestly trying to improve their lives--not on someone who is so unethical as to declare bankruptcy not once but three times. Your subject obviously doesn’t even feel shame at cheating many creditors out of their money; he laughs about it when the car salesman remarks on the last bankruptcy.

As a subscriber, I am often disgusted by the liberal attitude taken by The Times. This may have been the last straw. If I want to read about porn-movie distributors who eat themselves to obesity and declare bankruptcy to avoid paying for God knows what (most likely causing merchants to raise prices to cover their losses), I can surely find a paper that focuses on those issues--not one purporting to be a newspaper.


