
Ahmanson Ranch, Low-Income Housing

It was ironic to find The Times Valley Edition editorial extolling Councilman Hal Bernson for obtaining an agreement to reserve 400 northwest Valley homes for low-income housing (“Prosperity Is Not Shared by All,” Nov. 26) next to four letters opposing the Ahmanson Ranch development in the West Valley (“Ahmanson Ranch Development,” Letters to the Valley Edition).

The Ahmanson Ranch is, indeed, a beautiful area. I know it well, having spent many years running through it, often chased out by the Ahmanson guards.

Washington Mutual has inherited it from Ahmanson and is desperate to be able to develop it. What an opportunity to obtain low-cost housing for seniors and other low-income people in this gorgeous area! The leverage that the rich and politically powerful NIMBYs [not in my backyard] have could bring this about. But, of course, that is not what the NIMBYs have in mind. The residents of this area have always opposed any initiatives that would permit the less fortunate to live near them. And will continue to do so under the guise of environmentalism.


One would have expected them to furnish the funds for the state to acquire the property by condemnation. However, it is obvious that they not only do not want to give the less fortunate an opportunity to live in a lovely area near them, but also they expect these less fortunate to pay for their exclusivity by having all taxpayers pay for the acquisition of this private parkland.

If the various conservation groups do not have the money to condemn and buy Ahmanson Ranch, then the best face should be put on the development by obtaining the greatest amount of low-income housing possible in return for halting the harassment of the developers.


