
Informed Voters

A reader’s letter (Dec. 18) challenges the Bar Assn. and news organizations to take seriously the responsibility to inform voters in detail of the records and leanings of the judges we are asked to vote for.

The Los Angeles County Bar Assn., through its Judicial Elections Evaluation Committee, conducts a thorough examination and evaluation of the background, training, experience and competence of all candidates running in every contested judicial election in Los Angeles County and reports as to whether the candidate is “well qualified,” “qualified” or “not qualified.” The Times and many other local papers publish these evaluations before each election.

While we are restrained from detailing the bases of our evaluations of the judicial candidates, a voter will not have “blindly voted for county and state justices” if attention is given to our judicial evaluations published by The Times.



Member, L.A. County Judicial Elections Evaluation Committee

Long Beach
