
Holiday Hoppers

About a third of Americans have planned to travel between Thanksgiving and New Year’s Day this year, a recent survey found. How far and how long? Read on . . .

Total distance (average: 636 miles)*

Less than 100 miles.........13%

100-300 miles...............21%

300-600 miles...............19%

600-1000 miles..............16%

More than 1,000 miles.......30%

Don’t know...................2%

Total days away (average: 7 days)

1 day..........................7%

2-4 days......................28%

5-7 days......................27%

8-14 days.....................25%

15 days or more................9%

Don’t know/no answer...........4%

*Note: Total may not add up to 100% due to rounding

Source: 2000 American Express Holiday Travel Index. Based on telephone survey of 811 U.S. heads of household age 18 or older.
