
Smoking Law Compliance Will Continue Rising

* I would like to note some important points that were not mentioned in “Many Bars Fail to Keep Patrons From Lighting Up, Survey Finds” [Jan. 20].

The role of the county’s public health department is to protect the health of all citizens, including workers who are exposed to deadly secondhand smoke through these bars and restaurants. California is one of only a few states to challenge the powerful tobacco lobby by enacting legislation like the Smoke-Free Workplace Law that provides a substantially healthier environment for employees and patrons of these establishments.

Since it was enacted four years ago, under considerable opposition from bar owners, compliance has steadily increased. We recognize full compliance will take time, but we will continue to support law enforcement officials in their valiant fight to reach this goal.


Daily, we monitor and report complaints we receive from the community; we encourage all citizens to participate in this enforcement effort. Should anyone experience a bar or restaurant not in compliance, contact the Los Angeles County Tobacco Control Program at (213) 351-7786.

I know that compliance can and will improve. In the meantime, we should all be proud to live and work in a state where people are protected from secondhand smoke.



Chronic Disease Prevention

and Health Promotion

County Department

of Health Services

Los Angeles
