
Henry Nicholas: ‘Chip Maker With a Chip On His Shoulder’

The life of Henry T. Nicholas III (“Extreme Tech,” by P.J. Huffstutter, Jan. 23) has all the makings of a Greek tragedy. Abandoned by an alcoholic father, overachieving to a point of near self-destruction--who knows what the Furies scream at his inner child? Bullying, browbeating, berating his subordinates (much like his father treated his mother), Nicholas certainly has had the sins of his father visited upon him.

Sacrificing his family (his “reason for living”) on the altar of ego, giving away millions to buy respect, throwing parties with rockers and porno stars to boost an image. . . . This is a case right out of Psych 101.

While eggheads may long for the day when our rotisseries will connect to the Internet, I long for the day when men like Henry Nicholas will wake up, grow up and apply their talent and intelligence to solving some of life’s real challenges, like improving education, ending poverty or advancing medicine.


Can downloading music more quickly off the Web really improve the quality of life?

Duane Dudics



Thanks for the article on the chip maker with a chip on his shoulder. I couldn’t help thinking that the “Zen-like” Henry Samueli could perform a service for the out-of-control Nicholas by pointing out that it is possible to dominate a field without being a jerk. Does the name John Wooden ring a bell?

Stan Brothers



Thank you for the article on Henry T. Nicholas. He sounds like a real jerk.

Perhaps you should begin a series titled “Rich and Famous Jerks of L.A.” Considering movers and shakers whom you have profiled over the last few years, you are already off to a good start.

Daniel J. Dolan

Terminal Island


It’s nice to know that Southern California now has an official version of Steve Jobs. The bigger the jerk he is, the better my stock performs.


Mark Lefitz


Nicholas’ quote “Christ almighty” was not deleted from your article, but the adjective derived from the synonym for sexual intercourse was. I am more offended by the cursing (and I’m sure Nicholas was not praying) than I am by the overused F word. Why didn’t you delete the cursing also, out of respect to Christians who take offense at Christ’s name being taken in vain?

Jean Mahlberg

Laguna Hills
