Knockouts: Cherry and a Newcomer
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Sugar’s David Reiss doesn’t wanna read about Cherry anymore.
Close your eyes, Davey . . .
The Friday night dance club at the Playroom in Hollywood was outta sight last week. I mean, I got to rap with drummer Matt Sorum--who musta hooked up with a fresh stylist ‘cuz he looked like a new man compared to his scrappy-do days with Guns N’ Roses (although we’re all looking a bit better since then, right?). Of course, there were the usual suspects: Coyote Shivers and actress Pauley Perrette--the de facto king and queen of the Hollywood scene--who were rolling with a posse of postmod freaks.
But the shining moment for me was doing a men’s room intervention with Joey Arias, the famed drag diva, who bombed at Cherry that night. The details of that scenario are going down in the history book. My history book. (For an explanation of how I keep ending up in men’s rooms, you’re gonna have to buy that book.)
Oh yeah, and kudos from the Cuda to the go-go feller sporting the protective hockey gear, sans suit. You rock, man. . . . .
Speaking of rockin’, Bluebird’s got a big show at the Troubadour on March 4 (oooh, and a little Bluebirdie told us B.R.M.C. may open . . . shazzam!) The way I’m looking at it, folks have two choices: See Bluebird at the Troubadour or lie about it later. . . .
This just in: Beauty Bar’s unveiling is this weekend, and one of my many fab-o sources says the neighboring bar, the Room, was caught player-hating Beauty Bar, protesting its arrival, even going so far as to forbid employees from picking up extra shifts at the new bar. Now, do I need to pull out my whip to explain “the more the merrier” concept again? There are now three solid bars (and a few low-rent dives) to choose from in the Cahuenga Boulevard corridor, so get a grip. . . . Speaking of a grip, David Reiss (remember him from the first sentence?) just got his hands on an old boxing bar in Venice, which he’s calling Three. With trippytown Venice making a mighty cool comeback, it should be sweet K.O.