
Nigerian President Warns of Religious Riots’ Unity Threat

From Times Wire Services

Nigerian President Olusegun Obasanjo and religious leaders warned of a real danger to the unity of Africa’s most populous nation Wednesday after riots between Christians and Muslims left more than 100 people dead.

Troops and police patrolled the city of Kaduna, where violence erupted Monday at a demonstration by Christians against calls by Muslims for the adoption of strict Islamic law in Kaduna state, in Nigeria’s north.

Hundreds of people fled Wednesday before a total ban on movement in the city was imposed. Police sources said more than 100 people had died in three days of violence.


Obasanjo warned rioters that they would be punished and said they were endangering the future of the nation less than a year after he took office to end 15 years of military dictatorship.

The Sultan of Sokoto, spiritual leader of most Nigerian Muslims, appealed to “all Muslims and Christians to stop the destruction and live in peace and harmony.”

Islamic law, or Sharia, has become an increasingly divisive issue in Nigeria, which is sharply split along ethnic, religious and geographic lines. Christians fear that they will become marginalized or discriminated against under Sharia.
