
AT&T; Gets Approval to Take Over Cable Outlets

AT&T; won City Council approval Tuesday to take over six of Los Angeles’ 14 cable television franchises, renewing the debate over one media giant controlling so much of the city’s cable system.

The council approved the transfer of franchises from MediaOne, which AT&T; agreed to buy last year but is still some months from closing the purchase, said Paul Janis, who oversees cable franchises for the city.

AT&T; will take over franchises centered in Sylmar, Sunland-Tujunga, Hollywood/Wilshire, Westchester, South-Central and the Harbor--areas including about 235,000 cable customers, Janis said.


The concentration of so many franchises with one company, particularly one the size of AT&T;, has been criticized by competing Internet service providers, which seek access to the city’s cable lines, as well as consumer advocates.

The city had little choice but to approve the franchise transfers, based on its limited role in an area mostly under federal jurisdiction.
