
Laguna Beach Gets Rent Payment


Though an acrimonious debate continues, the Festival of Arts has paid Laguna Beach the full amount it owes in rent this year for its site.

Festival officials decided Monday to avoid eviction proceedings by paying the remaining $520,184 of the nonprofit organization’s rent, due Jan. 1.

“I think it is very important that we have a place to continue our work,” said Festival President Sherri Butterfield. “We couldn’t afford a place, and we might be out on the streets.”


The check was sent with a letter to Laguna Beach Mayor Kathleen Blackburn, calling the rent “exorbitant” and saying it violates the nonprofit organization’s constitutional rights.

The festival has filed suit against the city, saying it pays the city far more than any other tenant for use of similar property.

Last week, the festival paid only $65,000 of its total annual rent of $585,184, prompting the City Council to file suit in Orange County Superior Court asking for a preliminary eviction process.


“I think they did the smart and right thing,” Councilman Steve Dicterow said of the festival’s payment this week. “I still want the festival to stay, and I believe that if we sit down and talk, we can make that happen.”

City Manager Kenneth C. Frank said he would like to resume negotiations with the festival.

But Butterfield said the festival’s future with the city is still uncertain. The festival runs the annual Pageant of the Masters, a perennially popular display of tableaux vivants.

“If there is no change to the city’s offer, then there is some doubt that we have a future in the city,” Butterfield said.


Festival directors said they cannot accept the city’s offer to reduce the annual rent by only $11,000.
