
Brush Inspection Program OKd, but Fee Rejected for Now

Still smarting from public protests, the City Council approved a scaled-back brush inspection program Tuesday but finally rejected a fee to finance the work.

Bill Fujioka, the city’s administrative officer, had recommended that a $17 fee be charged to owners of hillside properties that were inspected earlier this year to ensure that brush had been cleared.

But a similar $13 fee last year caused such a public uproar that the council rescinded the charge and refunded $900,000 paid.


“There were problems brought out as a consequence of last year’s program, and I think we need to see that we have a program done well and done right and then determine in the future if charges are appropriate,” said Councilwoman Cindy Miscikowski, chairwoman of the council’s Public Safety Committee.

By not charging a fee last year or this year, the council has created a $3.2-million gap for the fiscal year beginning July 1, Fujioka warned.

The council also voted to reduce the number of properties inspected by the Fire Department from 170,000 to 100,000.
