

A replica of Noah’s Ark, standing 6 feet high and weighing almost a ton, will be donated to the Emanuel Lutheran Church preschool Saturday morning.

The wooden craft was built by Russ Fehr, a 73-year-old retired optician who has been a member of the church for 40 years. It will be transported to the church via a flatbed tow truck.

“We’ll be needing about 15 to 20 men to help haul the ark off the truck and around to the preschool’s play area,” Fehr said.


Fehr said woodworking has always been his hobby. He has worked on the ark about three hours a day for the last six months. Decorated with hand-painted animals, the ark has an open back end with a mock ship’s helm where children can play. The ark will arrive at the preschool at 9:30 a.m.
