
Foes of Ahmanson Ranch Warned to Close Web Site

The developer of the Ahmanson Ranch housing project has sent a sharply worded letter to open space advocates, warning them to dismantle a popular Web site created in opposition to the project or face legal action in federal court.

The site-- --was set up last fall by the nonprofit group Save Open Space to spread information about the proposed 3,050-unit development, which opponents say would destroy vast grasslands studded with oaks that are home to sensitive animal and plant species.

This week the group received a letter from Ahmanson Land Co.’s lawyers, demanding that Save Open Space surrender its Internet domain name or face a lawsuit. The letter states that the group has unlawfully used a trademark name and has interfered with the company’s ability to provide information via the Internet.


Save Open Space has until Tuesday to surrender its Internet domain name or face legal action in U.S. District Court for trademark infringement, unfair business competition and cyber-piracy, the letter states.

Thousand Oaks resident Paul Nicholson, the Save Open Space volunteer who created the site, said group members have contacted lawyers and are trying to decide what action to take. But he said members are inclined to fight the matter.

“I really think it is a bullying tactic,” Nicholson said.
