
Extreme Fitness

Would you pay $225 to spend six Saturdays in grueling workouts that include running up mountain trails wearing heavy backpacks, mountain biking, rappelling and swimming in freezing ocean waters while someone barks at you in military tones to work harder? Well, one of our Calendar Live editors did and liked it. Find out how she endured her stint in an Adventure Fitness Training program. The sessions are a new trend in fitness training for those preparing for extreme sports events and people who enjoy workouts with a boot-camp kick. It’s one way to build muscle, stamina and team spirit.

The Big Race

Speaking of fitness, the Los Angeles Marathon is the ultimate local test of endurance. Even if you’re not running the 26.2 miles, you’ll find plenty to see and do. Calendar Live has information on the events that make the marathon L.A.’s longest party.

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