
A Card for Campus’ 150th Birthday

From Associated Press

The Historic Preservation Series of postal cards by the U.S. Postal Service has added another worthy site to its prominent list.

A new 20-cent stamped card has been issued to commemorate the 150th anniversary of the founding of the University of Utah. This is the 41st card in the series, which began in 1977 with a 9-cent card in tribute to the Federal Court House in Galveston, Texas. Featured on the new card is the John R. Park Building on the Utah campus. It was completed in 1914.

Founded Feb. 28, 1850, the University of Utah--originally named the University of Deseret--was one of the first universities established west of the Missouri River.


Located in Salt Lake City, the university has about 26,000 students from the 50 American states and more than 100 countries. It offers undergraduate, graduate and professional programs.

First day of issue postmarks for the Utah card are available by mail. You may purchase the new stamped card at your local post office, address the card and place in a large envelope addressed to: University of Utah stamped card, Postmaster, 1760 West, 2100 South, Salt Lake City, Utah 84199-9991. Your request must be postmarked by March 29.

The Stamp Fulfillment Services also offers first-day postmarks with the official first day of issue cancellation. Call (800) STAMP-24.


Hockey Stamps

To celebrate the 50th anniversary of the National Hockey League’s All-Star game played in Toronto on Feb. 6, in which the World All-Stars trounced the North Americans, 9-4, Canada Post has issued a set of six stamps depicting and honoring six of Canada’s greatest players of the past.

Featured are Wayne Gretzky, the sport’s all-time goal-scoring leader, plus Gordie Howe of Detroit, Bobby Orr of Boston and Maurice Richard, Doug Harvey and Jacques Plante of the Montreal Canadiens. The background image on the stamps is a hockey rink. The names of the players appear on the sides of the stamps. Also seen is the logo for the recent All-Star game.

Stamps and first-day covers are available by mail from Canada Post, Philatelic Centre, 2701 Riverside Drive, Station E0070, Ottawa, Canada K1A 0B1. Or you may phone (800) 565-4362.
