
Weekend Spotlight

Entertainment coverage appears in Out & About today through Saturday. Complete listings appear today in Weekend Calendar.

Now Playing in the Park

The Gypsies in a Truck theater group will present its season finale Saturday, when it performs its own version or “Hansel and Gretel.” Show times are 11:30 a.m. at Velle Lindo Park in Camarillo and 4 p.m. at Barranca Vista Park in Ventura. The troupe’s plays, staged for the whole family, are funny -- and free.

Lakeside Reggae

For those who want more daytime music, the Lake Casitas World Rhythms & Reggae Festival, featuring Andrew Tosh, opens at noon Saturday. Details, Page B9.


Dres Rehearsal

“Five Women Wearing Same Dress,” now playing in Thousand Oaks, is witty and well done. Review, Page B9.
