
Political Name-Calling

* Open mikes and subliminal “rats” are no substitutes for good, old American name-calling, for example:

* Charles Lee on George Washington: “A dark designing sordid ambitious vain proud arrogant and vindictive knave.”

* John Randolph on Henry Clay: “So brilliant! So corrupt! Like a rotten mackerel in the moonlight, he shines and stinks.”


* William McAdoo on Warren Harding’s speeches: “An army of pompous phrases moving over the landscape in search of an idea.”

* Barry Goldwater on Lyndon Johnson: “He wants so much power, the Democrats don’t know whether to vote him in or plug him in.”

By comparison, George W. Bush vs. Al Gore is a battle of wits in which not a blow has been struck--so far.


P.M. ZALL, Emeritus Prof.

Department of English

Cal State L.A.
