
Karen Hughes

* Re the April 1 profile of Bush advisor Karen Hughes: Assuming it wasn’t an April Fool’s prank, the article says that a Hughes deputy contends that the only people who might object to Hughes’ enormous influence on President Bush would be those who are “ideologically opposed to her message or do not want the messenger to be an intense, smart woman.”

So that’s his conclusion? That to disapprove of professional handlers and spinners and public relations geniuses having disproportionately larger roles in American politics makes one either a sexist or a Democrat?


Rowland Heights


* Your piece on Hughes would have been very funny if its implications were not so disastrous for the nation and the world. We always knew that Vice President Dick Cheney was the puppet master behind the administration but now we also know that Hughes is a clever ventriloquist and George W. Bush is her dummy. Americans can only take consolation from the fact that we never elected him president.


Your next assignment is to uncover the mad scientist who has drugged the Democrats into abject submission.


