
Fixing Broken Windows

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If you use Windows--and 95% of you do--odds are you’re annoyed that this critical piece of the information infrastructure just doesn’t work properly. But there is hope.

A Web site,, references hardcover books on the various flavors of the Windows operating system and also gives you direct access to a database of tweaks, tricks and gizmos you can use to keep Windows in line.

Wondering why your computer randomly searches the floppy disk drive every time you launch a program? Trying to figure out how to keep your box from seizing up every time you shut it down? Pulling your hair out because the Windows power management features don’t work as advertised?


Welcome to our world, baby.

Fortunately, this site, based on the best-selling Windows Annoyances series, can get you back on track in just a couple of mouse clicks.

You also can download a copy of software utilities that let you make changes to your system with ease. You can test drive it free for 30 days. If you decide to buy, it costs about $25.
