
Bush Reversals

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* Re “Energy-Saving Rules Facing Bush Rollback,” April 5:

The president of all the people, George W. Bush, with each new executive order, is now completing a near perfect one-to-one payback of campaign contributions. He does this, as he does all things, of course, out of honor and integrity.


Costa Mesa


* Re “Bush Proves Partisanship Didn’t Go Away With Clinton,” news analysis, April 5: If “Bush is not inspiring the personal antagonism that President Clinton did,” does that say more about Bush as president or the Democrats as the opposition party? I think the latter. When you are on the right side of the issues, you don’t have to resort to personal attacks and vendettas.

In fact, despite the Republicans’ claim that they’ll be the ones bringing renewed “respect” to the Oval Office, it has been the Democrats who have shown deference and respect to the White House in the face of the controversial election of a right-wing president.



Los Angeles
