
Stop Teacher-Bashing

* “1st-Grade Teachers Don’t Teach Much, Study Says” (April 20) was insulting to all first-grade teachers. The first grade has become very academic. Our students spend their days learning reading, writing, spelling, math, science and social studies, as well as learning how to get along with others. First-grade teachers teach according to guidelines set down by the state and standards adopted by our school districts. The bulk of the teacher’s day is spent in teaching. The first-grade teacher is responsible for laying a solid foundation upon which all other learning is based.

I am a first-grade teacher with a master’s degree in education, and I am fully credentialed. Long after my students have gone home you can find me in my classroom preparing and planning for the next day’s instruction. I think it is time to stop teacher-bashing and begin to become involved in helping children acquire the skills they need to help them be successful in life.


