
Licensing of Guns Misses the Mark

* Re George Skelton’s April 23 column, “Giving Gun Control a License to Make Sense”: Again we read about licensing guns the way we do cars. “You have to take a drivers test to drive a car,” our governor reminds us.

Let’s get something straight. You don’t need a license to buy a car; all you need is money. You need a license to drive a car and then only if you wish to use the public roads. If you keep the car on private property, say a large ranch, you don’t need a license, nor does the car need to be registered.

So by all means, let’s treat guns exactly the same way. You only need a license to “operate” one in public. It’s called a permit to carry a concealed weapon, and many other states have seen their crime rates go down after making them easier to get.



Alta Loma


How sensible is victim disarmament? How sensible is spending millions of dollars on ludicrous licensing ordinances and legislation that will not only accomplish nothing but will violate our 2nd Amendment rights? These proposals are not only traitorous to everything this country stands for, but so far these laws proposed by our over-zealous council members have done nothing but create victims out of women and the poor, who need protection the most. It’s great how our out-of-touch leftist lawmakers think of everything under the sun to blow our taxpayers’ money while at the same time removing our freedoms! If history is any teacher, nothing good can come of gun control. Shame on the ambulance-chasing L.A. City Council members and California state lawmakers.


Los Angeles
