
Edison Still Part of O.C. Life, It Says

* While Edison’s financial difficulties have forced the company to suspend corporate giving at this time, our commitment to community service and our presence in the daily life of Orange County remains as strong as ever.

That’s a major reason we changed the name for this function from Corporate Contributions to Community Involvement. Our long-standing relationships and our continued support and participation in community initiatives, events and activities are as important and have as much impact as the millions of dollars that our shareholders have invested in the region over many years.

Edison employees, retirees and shareholders are the face of the company, and they touch the lives of many people of Orange County in various tangible ways. They are soccer coaches, troop leaders, elders, after-school tutors, Big Brothers, religious leaders, health care volunteers, arts patrons, and leaders of charitable and service organizations.


Indeed, while our financial resources have diminished, our community commitment and involvement have not. We take corporate citizenship very seriously.


Public Affairs Director

Orange County

Southern California Edison
