
Obituaries - Feb. 24, 2001

Bonness, Mary C., 81, of Woodland Hills, retired teacher for the Los Angeles Unified School District. Forest Lawn Mortuary, Hollywood Hills.

Camacho, Louis Joseph, 69, of Sherman Oaks, Treasure Island Casino employee. Angeleno Valley Mortuary, North Hollywood.

Garcia, David Adam, 67, of North Hollywood, plumber. Angeleno Valley Mortuary, North Hollywood.


Gilmore, Emma, 93, of Pacoima, retired nurse. Rucker’s Mortuary, Pacoima.

Norville, Gregory, 59, of Lancaster, nurse at Mercy Hospital. Chapel of the Valley Mortuary, Palmdale.

Shelton, Lea, 79, of Northridge, real estate agent for Paramount Properties. Crawford Mortuary at Oakwood Memorial Park, Chatsworth.

Sturdy, Maxine, 82, of Sylmar, homemaker. Forest Lawn Mortuary, Hollywood Hills.


Obituaries are published free of charge as a public service to readers. They are based on information provided by mortuaries.
