
Race On Out to Irwindale

The Vintage Auto Racing Assn.’s annual race car technical inspection and car show--open free to the public--is scheduled for 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. Saturday on the main parking lot at Irwindale Speedway.

An estimated 150 vintage race cars and their owner-drivers will be on hand--the cars available for viewing and the owners for discussions of how they found the vehicles, how they restored them and the ins and outs of racing the vintage cars.

“It’s really a terrific opportunity to get a personalized, close-up look behind the scenes in vintage racing,” said Todd Gerstenberger, the association’s vice president and event chairman.


The annual technical inspection gives owners the opportunity to have their cars inspected for rules compliance before the start of the vintage auto-racing season.

The speedway is on Live Oak Avenue just west of the 605 Freeway in Irwindale.

Information:; (626) 358-1100. Vintage Auto Racing Assn.:; (800) 280-8272.
