
Signals Are Functioning on Rinaldi


Dear Traffic Talk:

I live in a complex of townhouse units off Midwood Drive in Granada Hills. Midwood onto Rinaldi Street is our only access out of our neighborhood, and every morning many residents have to make a left turn onto busy Rinaldi.

What’s made this situation worse is that the traffic signals at Rinaldi and Sepulveda Boulevard and at Rinaldi and the Interstate 405 onramp have recently gone out of sync.

This has resulted in a large morning backup on Rinaldi west of the 405, stretching past Midwood to Haskell Avenue and making it tougher to get out of our complex.


Are there any plans to install a signal on the corner of Midwood and Rinaldi or to readjust the signal timing on Rinaldi to alleviate the backup?

--John Nakashima

Granada Hills

Dear John:

During two recent visits to the area, engineers observed no backups or traffic signals that need readjusting, said Ken Firoozmand, West Valley district engineer at the city Department of Transportation.

Engineers investigated the area the afternoon of Nov. 30 and the morning of Dec. 13, he said.


There are no approved plans to erect a new signal, Firoozmand said.

Dear Traffic Talk:

The Los Angeles Platt library branch at 23600 Victory Blvd. in Woodland Hills has a curbside drop-off box for books and videos on Victory. Two signs say: “No Parking. Passenger Loading. Three Minute Limit.” To further alert motorists, the curb by the box is painted white.

But there are invariably vehicles parked in front of the box, rendering it useless. I have yet to see any of these violators ticketed. Can anything be done?

--Eileen O’Neill

West Hills

Dear Eileen:

To report this problem, call the Valley parking enforcement office’s 24-hour complaint board at (818) 756-9418.



Traffic Talk appears Fridays in The Times Valley Edition. Readers may submit comments and questions about traffic in the Valley to Traffic Talk, Los Angeles Times, 20000 Prairie St., Chatsworth 91311. Include your name, address and phone number. Letters may be edited, and no anonymous letters will be accepted. Fax letters to (818) 772-3385. E-mail questions to
