
Hahn, Villaraigosa Campaign for Mayor

What a difficult time for us Los Angeles voters. Here are two candidates whom we admire for myriad reasons. Those of us not concerned with ethnicity have an even a tougher time.

Why can’t we have both? A coalition! A true twosome who could work together to make this beautiful city live up to its lovely name.

Both candidates bring great qualifications to the office they are seeking. City Atty. James K. Hahn has lots of experience in city government, and former Assembly Speaker Antonio Villaraigosa has lots of experience in state government. The fact that they both belong to the same party is just wonderful.


My humble suggestion is this: Let Hahn become mayor, sharing his expertise, while Villaraigosa becomes deputy mayor and learns about city government, while sharing his energy. The two of them together could accomplish wonders. And when Hahn is ready to leave, Villaraigosa could assume the reins and it would be a smooth and easy transition, affording all of us some kind of progress.

Mary Lou Preston

North Hollywood

Re “Villaraigosa Backers Decry Hahn Ad as Unfair,” May 29: Hahn’s ads attacking rival Villaraigosa for his support of the commutation of the federal prison sentence of drug trafficker Carlos Vignali and then associating Villaraigosa with permissive drug use and crime helped me decide for whom I will vote for mayor.

I will vote for Villaraigosa. There is no place for vicious attacks filled with innuendo and even a subtle ethnic slur in the statement, “Los Angeles can’t trust Antonio Villaraigosa.”


Madeline DeAntonio


So Villaraigosa is upset with the campaign ad that Hahn is running on him. Remember the old adage about not putting anything in writing that you do not want to come back and haunt you? Villaraigosa did just that, and now he can’t face the truth. You tell me; whom can you trust?

Mary Eisenhauer

