
Government Help in Time of Need

I’d like to praise a little-known department of the county court system, the public administrator’s office. A good friend of mine died suddenly in March; age 44, identified and not indigent, but with no written instructions and no relatives. His estate suddenly became a court case and none of his friends had any legal standing regarding this person. My friend wanted to be cremated and his ashes scattered at sea. Several friends of his and I arranged memorial services two weeks after his death, but we could not assume responsibility for the disposition of his remains because we had no legal authority.

After eight weeks, many telephone calls, several visits to the public administrator’s office and six notarized affidavits swearing that our friend wished to be cremated, we received the word that his wishes would be complied with and that we could be present at the scattering. Thank you to all the public administrator’s staff.

Tessa Lucero

Canyon Country
