
Past Party Defections

Members of Congress who have changed political parties since the 1950s.

Democrats to the GOP

Sen. Ben Nighthorse Campbell, Colorado, 1995

Sen. Richard C. Shelby, Alabama, 1994

Sen. Phil Gramm, Texas, 1983

Sen. Strom Thurmond, South Carolina, 1964

Rep. Nathan Deal, Georgia, 1995

Rep. Greg Laughlin, Texas, 1995

Rep. W.J. “Billy” Tauzin, Louisiana, 1995

Rep. Mike Parker, Mississippi, 1995

Rep. Jimmy Hayes, Louisiana, 1995

Rep. Tommy Robinson, Arkansas, 1989

Rep. Bill Grant, Florida, 1989

Rep. Andy Ireland, Florida, 1984

Rep. Eugene Atkinson, Pennsylvania, 1981

Rep. Bob Stump, Arizona, 1982

Rep. John Jarman, Oklahoma, 1975

Rep. Albert Watson, South Carolina, 1965


Democrat to Independent

Sen. Harry Byrd Jr., Virginia, 1971

Rep. Virgil H. Goode Jr., Virginia, 2000


Republican to Democrat

Sen. Wayne Morse*, Oregon, 1962

Rep. Michael Forbes, New York, 1999

Rep. Donald Riegle, Michigan, 1973

Rep. Ogden Reid, New York, 1972

Rep. Vincent Dellay, New Jersey, 1958


Switch back

Sen. Bob Smith**, New Hampshire, 1999

* First switched to independent, then Democrat.

** Became an independent, then returned to the GOP.

Sources: Senate Library and Associated Press reports
