
Cheap, but Not Fast, Weight Loss

Question: What is the best home fitness equipment to help me lose fat fast (before summer)?

I want to shed 10 pounds. I am 5 feet 6 and 145 pounds. I used to be good about going to the gym until my work schedule got hectic.


Quebec City, Canada

Answer: You bring up two important points--quick weight loss and how to fit exercise into a hectic schedule. Let’s deal with the weight-loss issue first.


No matter what you read, hear or imagine, quick weight loss usually is not permanent, because our bodies just don’t burn fat really fast.

When you see a dramatic drop on the scale, it’s usually from water loss. Why don’t you shoot for 3 to 5 pounds by June, focusing on ways to keep healthy and active throughout and after the summer? This will help you reach your ongoing fitness and weight-management goals.

As for inexpensive ways to get fit, try buying a jump rope and a pair of light hand weights (5 to 8 pounds). Alternate between jump rope sets and strength-training exercises such as crunches, push-ups and other free-weight exercises.


Also, take advantage of the warm weather and the longer summer days by going for regular walks, runs or bike rides.

Exercise doesn’t have to be an “all or nothing” endeavor. Do your best during the busy times, and try not to let the exercising itself stress you out.

Stick to a balanced eating plan, and I’m sure you’ll soon see a weight loss.


Stephanie Oakes is the fitness correspondent for Discovery Health Channel and a health/fitness consultant. Send questions by e-mail to She cannot respond to every query.
