
Captioning Live Theater

I’m one of the founders of Triumvirate Pi Theatre. Part of our mission in producing live theater in L.A. is to make the experience accessible to all, so all shows are captioned (“Words Can Describe It,” by Lynn Smith, May 26).

Co-artistic director Leslie K. Gray and I met with members of the San Fernando Valley chapter of Self Help for the Hard of Hearing to strategize and support them in their efforts to get real-time captioning at selected live performances in L.A.’s major venues, much as selected performances are now signed.

As for our own 99-seat-plan productions, for “Collected Shadows,” which ran at the Secret Rose Theatre in NoHo in November, we built a scrim into the set design and projected the dialogue via LCD projector.


For “Reds, Whites, and Blues,” opening Aug. 1 as a site-specific play in a hotel suite at the Los Angeles Athletic Club, we’ve come up with a system that will use the two TV sets in the suite.


Triumvirate Pi Theatre

Los Angeles


We saw the digital “Star Wars: Episode II Attack of the Clones” in Century City. If they don’t turn down the volume in the movie theaters, we’re all going to be needing captioned movies soon.


Los Angeles
