
Ascribing Intelligence to John Walker Lindh

Re “Lindh Knew of Attack Plans Worse Than 9/11, Prosecutors Say,” June 5: Earlier reports by The Times and other U.S. media indicated that the terrorists who carry out terrorist activities--including 9/11--are customarily not informed of their missions or targets in advance. How come prosecutors in John Walker Lindh’s case are now saying that Lindh knew of an alleged 20 suicide operations involving 50 operatives?

What is Lindh’s real rank in the Taliban or Al Qaeda network? It just doesn’t add up that he wields this much power.

Kofi Paraocha

Los Angeles


According to the Justice Department, Lindh, a U.S.-born-and-educated student, left his school two years ago, hopped on a plane and flew to Afghanistan--where he was immediately given all the intimate details of the plan to commit future terrorist attacks. He even got some of the information personally from Osama bin Laden. If this low-level flunky could get this kind of top-secret information with such minimal effort, how is it that the multibillion-dollar U.S. intelligence agencies had no idea about 9/11?


Joel C. Koury

Santa Monica


Could it be that the CIA was so busy destabilizing foreign countries that it had no time to be tracking potential terrorist attacks aimed at us?

Tanja Winter

La Jolla
