
U.S. Now Sees Need for Mideast Peace

Re “Cheney Finds Israeli Issue Trumps Iraq,” March 18:

During the months of escalating death and destruction in the Middle East, the Bush administration has been deaf to pleas to become more involved in brokering a solution. Previous visits from U.S. envoy Anthony Zinni to the region have been brief, ending with statements that the parties must find a solution on their own.

Now that Vice President Cheney has been dispatched to garner support for the administration’s unpopular plans to wage war on Iraq, members of the administration suddenly see the need for a more sustained and serious effort toward peace. However, they have left it a little late, and Cheney is getting an earful from our allies in that part of the world, to whom it makes no sense to further destabilize the region by attempting to topple Saddam Hussein with no real alternative to him in sight. All they foresee is more chaos and suffering in the region.

The administration’s tardy efforts toward peace now seem only a transparent attempt at manipulation rather than showing any real concern for human suffering.


Beatrice Steward

Long Beach


The March 16 photo of the Star of David spray-painted on a Palestinian home reminds me of nothing so much as photos of swastikas spray-painted on synagogues in this country. The irony couldn’t be any heavier.

Israelis--and their supporters here--seem to have been waging a campaign to show the world that Jews can behave as badly as any other people of the world. I believe them. Enough already!

Roy Komoto

South Pasadena


Re “Suicide Bombing Is Contagious,” by Ranan R. Lurie, Commentary, March 15: As an American Muslim, I am extremely offended. The concept of killing civilians does not exist in the religion of Islam. The sad acts of suicide bombings are the direct result of the brutal, imperialistic Israeli occupation on the battered Palestinian people.


Yet somehow it is forgotten that the murder of innocent Palestinian human beings who are under siege by the U.S.-funded Israeli war machine is also a crime. Ignorance and neglect of the situation will only add to the long list of victims in this conflict, both Israeli and Palestinian.

Adam Homsi

