
She’s Found Her ‘Ultimate Trip’ on Self-Guided Riding Ventures

Having spent two years living in Geneva and traveling extensively throughout the Alps, followed by a return to the U.S. and the subsequent purchase of a 1976 BMW motorcycle, I was exuberant to find the article “Fast Times in the Alps” (by Craig Ligibel, Special Travel Issue, March 30). However, as soon as I saw the words “the ultimate guy trip,” the pounding in my ears almost became unbearable.

As a female rider with 40,000 miles of accident-free riding, I too have taken my BMW through wild terrains of loose gravel (and sand, sleet, lava and stream crossings). Once I took to my beloved Beemer, I never again rode on the back of anyone’s motorcycle, nor did I ever give it up to a male in our group to make it through the tough parts of a ride. Might I suggest that if Ligibel wants the “ultimate guy trip,” he learn to ride by himself and venture along with me and my amigos on a truly adventurous voyage through the Sierra. And then I’d suggest that he write about the “ultimate trip,” leaving gender out of it completely.

Karen Hopkins

Lone Pine, Calif.
