
CenterLine Would Give 37-Story Tower in Santa Ana an Inside Track

Re “Proposed Tower in Santa Ana Analyzed,” July 30:

So the proposed 37-story office tower would create more traffic problems for Santa Ana? The Santa Ana Historical Society claimed that the developers “haven’t really proposed anything to improve it.” Not true. I’m sure they heard of the proposed CenterLine light-rail project that was (is?) planned for Main Street, just one block from the proposed tower.

Maybe their gripe should be with the citizens of Irvine who just voted down CenterLine (at least for now). Maybe Irvine residents would benefit from this project in that they could take the CenterLine to work, since this building will create 2,100 jobs.

This tower would be the most appropriate type of development -- if it were to be built next to a mass transit center. Gather a mass of workers in one place with train service. It’s working in downtown Los Angeles. Why not Santa Ana?


Rail opponents claim that trains will not help traffic congestion. This is especially true if no train tracks ever get built! If light-rail transportation were available, this tower could be a steppingstone to getting some drivers off the streets and freeways. Even without this tower, isn’t traffic still terrible?

Bruce Konschuh

