
Readers recommend

Falklands: Quick trips

Patrick Watts, Adventure Falklands, P.O. Box 223, Stanley, Falkland Islands FIQQ 1ZZ; 011-500-21-383, e-mail “Tour guide Patrick Watts, a third-generation Falkland Islander, took us to see the penguin colonies, gave us an in-depth tour of the battlefields (complete with a commentary on the war) and showed us the sights of Stanley, all for a fraction of the cost of ships’ tours that most tourists take when they arrive by cruise ship.” Tours start at $27 per person.

Kenn Morris

Los Angeles

England: Comfortable digs

Tustin Holiday Flats, 94 York St., London, W1H 1QX; 011-44-207-724-0224, “Two nice discoveries and both on the same street: My sister was welcomed by Liz and Michael Callis at 22 York Street Bed and Breakfast (; my wife and I rented a flat for nine days from Tustin Holiday Flats. The flat had twin beds, kitchen and shower. It was functional and comfortable, private and heated. York Street is handy to the tube, buses and easy grocery shopping.” One-bedroom apartments from $647 per week.

Arthur and Margie Jones


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