
Governor Seems to Be Building a Cocoon

Regarding demonstrators infiltrating public appearances of Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger (March 9): How does one infiltrate a public appearance? Have demonstrators lost their freedom of assembly or freedom of speech? Are elected officials now protected from hearing opposing views? It’s a bit unclear but sounds a lot like Bush-think.

Patricia C. Spiller

Fountain Valley


Referring to fundraising trips to the East Coast by Gov. Schwarzenegger (Feb. 25), I wonder why he needs to travel out of state for fundraising dinners and what he is promising those who attend. One thing for sure is that he is not thinking of most of us while he is so far away. And who is minding the store?

Dean Blau

Van Nuys


Just two words to describe our current governor’s record-breaking fundraising from special interests: Gray Schwarzenegger.


Jeff Gillenkirk

San Francisco
