
For a strong back, work muscles on both sides

Karen Voight

To maintain strong backs, we must train our bodies to stretch in different angles from various positions. This floor exercise safely develops balanced strength on both sides of the spine. It strengthens the small postural muscles in the midback and the lower trapezius muscles, while firming the buttocks and backs of the thighs. On the side that feels weaker, repeat a second time.

1 Lie face down on a sticky mat or on a flat blanket. Extend your left arm straight out in front of you and bring your right arm alongside your body, palm facing down. Stretch your legs behind you with straight knees and the top of your feet on the floor.

2 On an inhale, raise your chest, head and left arm off the floor while you raise your left leg off the floor. Pause for a moment. Keep your upper body lifted as you lower your left leg and raise your right leg, then pause. Continue alternating legs for a total of six repetitions on each leg. Then on an exhale, slowly lower your leg and lower your upper body to the floor. Switch arms and repeat the exercise with your right arm extended in front of you and your left arm alongside your body.


Karen Voight can be reached at

--Karen Voight
