
Leg power from head to toe

Karen Voight can be reached at

This extremely beneficial stretch helps lengthen the powerful muscles in the back of your legs. However, to get an effective stretch, it’s critical that you keep your spine in perfect alignment. (If you’re not flexible, use a strap or belt. See first photo.) Begin by sitting upright on a flat surface with your legs extended in front of you.

-- Karen Voight

1 If it is difficult for you to straighten your legs and maintain a lift to the spine, place a belt around the balls of your feet and grasp the ends of the belt in each hand with arms straight. Sit up tall as you pull your shoulders back and slide your shoulder blades down away from your ears. Keep your legs active by lifting your kneecaps. Hold for five to six even breaths.

2 If you can reach your toes, raise your arms overhead. On an inhale, feel a lift in your back, exhale and bend forward from your hips. Reach your arms forward and hold the edges of your feet. Continue to feel the stretch by tilting your tailbone back and reaching forward through the crown of your head. Keep your legs active by lifting your kneecaps. Hold for five to six breaths.
