
The Sport of Paintball Debated at a Time of War

I would like to thank Alex French for writing such an amazing article about paintball, a sport I’ve loved for many years (“War Games,” May 7). He was able to capture in words what paintball really is and feels like, and he didn’t misrepresent paintball as so many other articles have done. Thank you for telling the public about paintball in such a positive way.

Ryan Schweitzer

San Juan Capistrano


A pastor at a church I visited a few Sundays ago made an announcement to the congregation about the church-sponsored activity coming up: paintball. I see no reason why any church should promote violence, whether real or simulated. Our guys are dying every day to protect this country, and here at home we have church people running around in fatigues, carrying imitation AK-47s, shooting fake blood at their spiritual brothers. What a mockery.

Why don’t they join the military and play with real firearms and see what real death is about? We are surrounded by violence every day. We are literally inundated with it. Don’t we have enough?


Linda Barcojo

Shadow Hills
